Here in Austria, we're in the midst of Fasching, or in English - Carnival. In the days and weeks leading up to Lent, Fasching is an opportunity to party and indulge in, well, whatever you please. So last night we decided to partake in the festival and see what this infamous time of year is all about. I guess one could compare it a bit to Halloween since people dress up in costumes and such, but I wouldn't say we really have anything on this big of a scale in the US.

Before we went to the Turnerball in Ybbs, we met up with a teacher friend of Michael's and finalized our costumes. Here come the pirates! After rounding up a few more friends, we headed to the ball. People young and old alike made their way to the venue dressed in costumes ranging from your standard green aliens to full-bodied blue Avatar men. As luck would have it, even cupid showed up. He actually hit Michael square in the head with his arrow! Good thing I was sitting by him :)

It's hard to say exactly how many people were at the ball, but there were three or so floors packed full of people. In the main room, a cover band played a variety of tunes, including some Elvis Presley and good old rock n' roll. In didn't matter the song though, these Austrians sure now how to two-step... and walz and tango, and cha, cha, cha. We got to see some pretty ridiculous dance moves.

At midnight, the Turn Ferein (Dance/gymnastics club) put on a show. I have since learned that at midnight, there is always a performance of sorts at balls. Seems a little late to me, but I guess that's how they do it here. Since the gymnastics club was sponsoring the event, their performance naturally had an element of acrobatics to it. They did a routine to a medley of MJ's songs, including "Thriller".
These two pirates were well beyond exhausted but somehow still managed to make it to 2 a.m. An early night compared to all the other party-goers. Breakfast would start being served at 4, and I guess it's common for people to stay out until 6 or 7 in the morning. I think one Faschingsball is enough for me, but we sure had a good time while it lasted!